A lovesome thing by Kate Hext

In this week’s Times Literary Supplement, Kate Hext explores Arthur Graham’s creation of the Italian Garden in the cultural and literary context of the time, arguing for its originality as a flamboyant interpretation of Italian principles with more in common with Villa Farnese and Hadrian’s Villa than contemporary English Italianate gardens.

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Stephanie Berry
In Holes and Corners - James Cabaniuk

In Holes and Corners, a site-specific project by artist James Cabaniuk, supported by literary critic and writer Kate Hext, invites visitors to explore the historical significance of this Edwardian Garden as a private refuge for its curator Arthur Smith Graham, while reflecting on contemporary queer experiences. 

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Stephanie Berry
Graham’s Garden - by Frances Mason

Frances Mason, MA student in Illustration at Falmouth University, chose for her final project “Graham’s Garden” to develop a series of illustrations in the garden as a means of exploring the research question “Can illustration create a better future by peeling away the layers of the past?”

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HistoryStephanie Berry
Devon Life - February 2021

Kim Partridge vividly remembers the day she first set foot in The Italian Garden. “The sun was setting, it was late in the afternoon on a warm, still summer’s evening and it was incredible - the garden revealed itself to us in a way we couldn’t imagine.”

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HistoryStephanie Berry
Musings on the design of an Italianate garden

The garden at Great Ambrook is so often referred to as ‘unique’ and so it appears to be, as well as extraordinary, with its Italianate style hidden in the midst of rolling Devonshire countryside. Just how extraordinary can be set against the era of Arthur Graham’s life and the influences to which he must have been exposed.

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HistoryStephanie Berry