SPOTLIGHT: Web Designer - Nisha White of Blanco Digital Studio
Tell us a little about yourself and your business?
Hi, my name’s Nisha White and I run a web design business called Blanco Digital Studio. I actually designed the site you're on right now.
I predominantly work with small and independent business owners across the South West but I have had the pleasure of working with some international clients too. My mission is to make the internet a beautiful place one website at a time. My website style is somewhat less conventional and therefore I get to work with some brilliantly talented creative businesses who have a real vision for their websites. The creative the better in my eyes!! Take this website, the little illustrations you see around the site are the brainchild of the owners of the garden and I love them. They really add a wonderful playful element to the site and really help tell the story of this beautiful garden.
What is your role here at the Italian Garden?
I designed the website for The Italian Garden. My main role is to make sure the website works and functions to provide an information hub for the garden and is easy to navigate for its users. With the keen eye of the owners I was able to create a calm and inviting website that reflected the garden and everything it stands for.
A website is a work-in-progress and will grow over time. Watch this space for new blog posts and details of events that will be held at the garden.
Why have you decided to become a friend of the Italian Garden?
My garden and my green spaces are my happy place so when the owners contacted me about working with them to create a website for their magical garden I jumped at the chance. I then saw the photos of the grounds and I couldn’t believe this place had been hidden for so long. How?? It’s amazing!! So really it was a no brainer for me to come on board and build the site for The Italian Garden and I’m so pleased with the final result.
“My garden and my green spaces are my happy place so when the owners contacted me about working with them to create a website for their magical garden, I jumped at the chance”
Now for something playful, share with us your perfect day out/hobbies/where we can find you when you’re not working etc?
Working on and hopefully out on road trips soon in our campervan. We are in the middle of converting a massive long wheel base sprinter and we can’t wait to take it on the road. We’ve managed a few short trips so far and Dede (that's her name) has done us proud, even making it up Porlock Hill, which is the steepest A road in the UK! So the plan is some longer trips across the South West and the further afield once she’s fully completed and, who knows, building some more gorgeous websites along the way hopefully.
Want to know more about Nisha and her web design company?